Application to train at home  


Find out all the details about the application to train at home, all for better your health. 

Imagine having a practical training routine and making your own exercise schedules. 


With today's routine, it is very difficult for us to always have to go to the gym or go out to train on the street. 

That is why using applications to train at home makes it much easier and helps us maintain our health. 


Beyond that, there are very big benefits when it comes to having a training routine. 

Many people are feeling the impact of a sedentary lifestyle, so maintaining workouts at home is a very good option. 

For this, there are good applications that facilitate our organization of training. 

With very dynamic and easy-to-apply exercise routines, everything for day-to-day life is lighter. 

Why is it so important to exercise? 

With the increase in personal tasks, everything that involves family routine and work pressures are key to increased stress. 

That is why it is so important to adapt physical exercises that alleviate stress into our routine. 

Beyond all that, exercises such as: Cardio, bodybuilding, HIIT, YOGA and meditation. 

What's more, some exercises are excellent for the release of hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. 

Very important for stress control, some exercises such as: Running, cycling, swimming and walking are very indicated in these cases. 

We prepare a list of applications to train at home 

Mainly, for those who want to start an exercise routine, starting at home is the best option. 

Start with low-impact workouts, initially 15 to 20 minutes per day and as you progress you can increase the intensities of the exercises. 

Learn about the best applications to help you in your training routines. 

Application to measure pressure


Nike Training Club 

This app has almost 200 workouts available and free, you can choose between strength or resistance exercises, mobility and yoga 

Beyond that, they are workouts of 7 to 45 minutes, separated by levels, beginners, intermediate and advanced. 

What's more, you can do the exercises at home or in the gym, there are exercises with or without training. 

Mainly, the best part of the app is that there are activities created by sports champions. 

The Nike Training is sponsored by Cristiano Ronaldo, Serena Williams and Michael Jordán. 

Available on Android and iOS  

adidas Running by Runtastic 

The app adidas Running It is a series of programs that I first start with running and then add specific exercises such as: 

Push-ups, sit-ups and much more, with the goal of promoting a healthier life for its running community. 

What's more, the app has a free part and the other version is premium, with a wide variety of exercises and different types of training. 

In this way, the platform has training sheet suggestions, reading tips and nutritional recommendations. 

You can count on 90 days of free subject to experience all the benefits of the app. 

Available on Android and iOS  

5 minutes of Yoga 

A very simple app, easy to use, intuitive and complete at the same time, with several benefits. 

What's more, with a great alternative of yoga exercises, which can be performed in a practical way. 

Still, it is an application with several tools, with illustrations in explanatory videos. 

Mainly, for people who want a more detailed explanation, I included well-crafted texts with step-by-step exercises. 

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Above all, the app has good functionality through the timer, this way it is not necessary to counter, the app will do that for you. 

The app 5 minutes of Yoga It counts 40 seconds for each position and immediately triggers the alarm and that's it, you can move on to the next exercise. 

Available on Android and iOS  

We hope you liked the information about application to train at home. 

Follow our page for more tips and stay up to date with the news! 

Nike Training Android and iOS

Adidas Running Android and iOS

5 minutes of Yoga Android and iOS