Application for aging


The best list of aging app is here. 

Who has never been curious to see themselves in the future or know their face when they are older? 


Mainly, when we see so many applications capable of changing photos. 

The curiosity always arises to know how I will look in a few years. 


Surely we have this desire to know our future image. 

Beyond this, sometimes because of the desire to play or make a joke with friends. 

It could even be simply to make a joke to your mom or dad. 

Many applications have created the tools to clear your doubts about the future. 

The aging app You can also change the face for various ages. 

Mainly, it is possible to use very advanced editing functions. 

Beyond this, you can improve your image in such a way that no one will recognize you. 

There are many applications to age in photos on the web. 

We select the best, most current and full of tools for you to have fun. 

There is a lot that they learn with these applications, that is because you can develop new skills. 

Mainly, because these apps are very complete, full of surprises and new features. 

The latest news and the best application for aging are here. 

There are many positive points in the applications available on the web. 

We will highlight the main ones: 

Mainly, because it is possible to choose photos from your cell phone; 

Some of the apps allow you to take a photo in the moment; 

Hair cutting application – Veja os melhores


It allows you to select the age you want; 

Beyond getting older, it gives you the option of staying younger; 

You can send to other people and share the image in real time. 

Let's then get to know the best apps available on the internet. 

1. FaceApp: Face Editor 

This application is available for all cell phones. 

Mainly, because everyone loves it, it's very incredible and very fast. 

There are more than 500 million users who are connected. 

Everyone enjoying the best tools of this app. 

Surely the most complete aging app is this. 

Mainly, because it is very fun and easy to understand.  

Available in Android and iOS. 

2. I get old 

Wanting an old face is simple, you just have to access the Me envelhecer app. 

What's more, it allows you to alter the age in the photo, you can apply the desired functions one by one. 

Mainly if you want to add a mustache, glasses, white beard. 

With the aging app everything is within click reach. 

Mainly, if you want to change your image completely to make a costume. 

It is perfectly possible with this application. 

What's more, you will have an option to add text or figures to the photo. 

Available in Android

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3. Face of Idade: Future Face 

If you feel like changing completely and becoming the craziest characters. 

What's more, this app is especially for you. 

With a few small clicks you can have your face completely changed. 

Nothing is more different than making a surprise on social media to attract more attention. 

Mainly, because this aging app It works with direct photos from the cameras. 

It has automatic cuts using face detectors 

Beyond this, it processes very rapid transformation. 

Finally, it is easy to use and you do not need to have editing skills. 

Available in iOS.