Application to Try Shoes Before Buying Them


If you have difficulties choosing your shoes, find out application to try shoes before buying them.

Oh application uses augmented reality to create 3D models two pairs of tennis, which offers users a realistic view of the models.


Now you can choose sneakers that match your style before going out From home.

oh application It has been used by big brands to make life easier for their customers, using this mechanism has brought many benefits, such as:

  1. Fewer exchanges and returns
  2. Optimize the shopping experience
  3. Facilitate the use of the Virtual Fitting Room
  4. Results generated by footwear

Discover the best now application to try shoes before buying them.

Wanna Kicks

Wanna Kicks is the app to try shoes in augmented reality, that is, you will have the experience of try the craziest models from your favorite brand.

You can even try models that will be launched on the market. How I want kicks can you insect like news is classic sneakers, and even take photographs.

Application to try shoes before buying them, Adidas, Nike…

oh app to try tennis is super easy to wear and you also don't have to worry about whether the sneakers will match your style or not.

In this way, suppliers save time with the virtual fitting room, reduces the return rate and provides convenience to users.

He pointed acambaro stand up and that's it, you'll have a very realistic image like yours will be seen new shoes, whether it matches your style or not.

And it didn't stop there, the developers provided users with an experience so practical and realistic, that it is possible to see the footwear from different angles.

Furthermore, it is also possible to follow the simulation with a hike, and also take out photos at various angles.

How to install the application

The application is available for both phone smart Android like iPhone, so just enter the digital store on your cell phone and follow the step by step.

1st Step: In the virtual store of your device, select the option Wanna Kicks app, Click download and open it on your cell phone.

    Already home screen you choose Models to try your shoes.

2nd Step: You can choosethe best brands, and in the app you can choose releases or classics.

                 After choosing your model, simply click let's try.

3rd Step: Allow the application to access to your cell phone camera.

4th Step: Now, simply point the camera at your feet and wait for the app to publish your chosen model. Then Do click on the camera icon and take your photo.

5th Step: You can move the camera from different angles and you will see how the model really looks on your foot. oh request still gives a Description detailed Of each model.

Make waves with your model favorite sneakers without leave the house and still be able to share sneakers with your friends nike, or other big brands.

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It is worth remembering that the Wanna Kicks app, provides models of Adidas,Reebok and many other models.

The idea of testing virtual sneakers has received a lot of investment from its brands.

After all, this way your customers can easily check the actual size of your sneakers, being able to explore adapted angles and models.

Install the app Try the shoes before buying them, you will surely fall in love with them.

Wanna Kicks undroid/iPhone