How to get government benefits 


Learn more about how to get government benefits and take advantage of rights for all. 

There are a large number of benefits from the Argentine government that many are unaware of. 


It is likely that much of the population does not get all the benefits because they have no idea of everything the government has available. 

We made a list of the main benefits to help people understand a little more about the rights they have. 


Since 2019 alone, many adaptations have been made, mainly due to the pandemic. 

What's more, to slightly reduce the impacts on the economy of Argentine families, new adaptations were made to the already existing benefits. 

Beyond that, the government added more aid for the population. 

All about How to get government benefits main benefits 

To mitigate the impact of the new coronavirus on the economy of families who were left with income due to quarantine, I announced a payment of 10 thousand pesos. 

Mainly for workers between 18 and 65 years old who were suspended from their activities due to the pandemic. 

Beyond that, the Emergency Family Income (IFE) is helping many families in Argentina. 

Follow us as we are going to mention here the main benefits of the government. 

Culture bonus for young people 

The Culture Bonus for young people is an aid to encourage young people to consume culture. 

Mainly young people between 18 and 24 years old may be entitled to this aid. 

This social assistance program provides assistance for several young people in Argentina. 

The program is called “Mas Cultura” so that they have more access to cultural events and their respective activities. 

What's more, registration can be done through the ANSES platform, it is quick and easy. 

For all young people who want access to theaters, cinemas and special events. 

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Bonus for AUH-AUE beneficiaries 

Aid to the most vulnerable is a measure that has already existed for some time in Argentina. 

Mainly for families there is the bonus for children or pregnancy, for all children of workers who do not reach 3,000 pesos. 

This value is an extra amount to what you can receive per month, just register with ANSES and see all the benefits in detail. 

Beyond that, we must remember that it is only for the children of the most vulnerable families. 

What's more, it is not necessary to carry out procedures to access the benefit, it can be collected through the same account where the assignments were received. 

Bonus for retirees and pensioners 

For retirees and pensioners, extra in the value of 3,000 thousand pesos to help and alleviate the complete burden of the despesas. 

Mainly due to the damage caused by the quarantine, this measure was reinforced, there is no additional procedure to do to obtain the benefit. 

You can now help your grandparents or parents how to use these benefits that are available to everyone.

Benefits for artists 

Better known as National Endowment for the Arts, in the case of being an artist, in the categories of musician, photographer, creator of any artistic discipline. 

What's more, if you are a technician or manager of cultural activities and others, you can count on exclusive assistance for artists. 

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This bonus is designated through creation and training scholarships, it can enable loans for artists and subsidies for cultural entities. 

You can do all the procedures directly from ANSES  

If you are interested in knowing more details about all the benefits that the government offers for Argentines, just find out. 

Mainly when it comes to helping people, we like to use good information. 

Now that you know what the main ones are and How to get benefits from the government. 

You can start using all the bonuses that are reserved for you and your family. 

Beyond that, if you really like to always be well informed, follow our page and stay connected to the latest news on the web.