How to get started in Digital Marketing 


Learn the best ways to how to get started in Digital Marketing and secure yourself in the market of the future. 

One of the great secrets of growth is learning to learn, with changes in the market. 


We see that the area of Digital Marketing is an attractive option to start a business. 

Thinking about that, we decided to bring details of how to start working with Digital Marketing. 


Beyond that, know that the growth of everything that surrounds the digital era prepares challenges and opportunities. 

But in the end, what is Digital Marketing? 

In summary, for those who do not know how this world works, Digital Marketing or MKT Digital is basically:

The set of activities that a company (or person) carries out online with the objective of attracting new business, creating relationships and developing a brand identity.  

Among the main strategies are SEO, Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing. 

Mainly, today's market has grown a lot in Digital, as we usually say: 

“The future is Digital and companies must work looking towards this future so that they do not become obsolete.” 

If you have come this far it is because you are understanding the power of the necessary changes in your business or project and you are about to get on a very good path. 

Where to find opportunities? 

So let's go to what matters, how to start working with Digital Marketing. 

Beyond that, I'm going to leave you some tips on how to start getting your Digital business off the ground. 

1. You can start managing social media for companies, create content and maintain posts; 

2. Work in a Marketing Agency; 

3. Build your personal brand. 

For that, we are going to give you some ideas to refine and improve your knowledge about Digital Marketing. 

5 tips on how to start working with Digital Marketing 

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1. Prepare a resume  

The first step is to create a good resume and when I say good, I mean it should go beyond a blank sheet of text information. 

If you are going to work in marketing, you must demonstrate quality and creativity in your resume. 

That is, in addition to providing all the basic information (contact, experience, skills), you must opt for an innovative format. 

Some ways to do this include interactive resumes, in video format, or as an infographic with visuals. 

Look for inspiration online and exercise your creativity right now. 

2. Invest in knowledge 

Investing in knowledge is something you should do continuously. 

This is also a factor that differentiates excellent media professionals. 

Therefore, you should always worry about adding new knowledge – and preferably multidisciplinary, going beyond the marketing area. 

3. Stay updated 

The digital universe is rapidly transforming and changing social dynamics. 

So always stay up to date, there are a few ways to do this: 

Read research and keep an eye on trends.

Consumer content (books, blog articles, videos, webinars, email marketing...) 

Take courses, participate in events, congresses and conferences, try new tools.

Talk to other professionals and stay tuned for what's happening in the world. 

4. Faça networking 

Powerful networks allow you to achieve goals you couldn't achieve on your own. 

Beyond that, reach solutions that you couldn't solve alone, new ideas, connections and the right people. 

What's more, networking opens doors: it allows you to meet many people, generate opportunities and helps build your professional image. 

5. Build your online presence 

Nowadays it is important to have a well-built profile, that is your original brand. 

Professionals working with digital marketing must necessarily invest in an online presence. 

Mainly, this gives you credibility and authority, that is key to conquering the digital market. 

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And to close the list of the day, we have some bonus tips, we had promised 5 tips to start. 

We know that generosity opens the doors so as promised the 6th option to start YOUR WORK With Digital Marketing is: 

Bonus 6. Use creativity 

Creativity is a fundamental skill for working with digital marketing, but there is a difference between having this competence and actually exercising it. 

Creativity is a process that you should encourage every day, whether it means getting out of your routine, exploring new areas. 

What's more, look for solutions to everyday problems or question work methods, for example. 

There are many things you can't do yet, but how about starting with what you can! 

Change your vision and start putting into practice all the items on the list above. 

Now that you know 6 steps how to get started in Digital Marketing 

We hope you liked the ideas and suggestions, stay connected with us to learn much more.