How augmented reality can contribute to medicine  


Know How augmented reality can contribute to medicine and change the history of many people. 

Starting in 20219, a lot of things changed, the world did not know, but it was about to enter a new stage. 


What's more, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown the world the need for rapid technological advances in medicine.  

Among these advances is augmented reality, which in recent years has been present in some companies that connect this technology with the health area. 
Learn more about what augmented reality is 


In a very practical way we are going to explain to you what it is augmented reality and much of what it can contribute. 

Unlike virtual reality, which wants to insert the user in a scenario completely different from the real world. 

Augmented reality wants to keep the user attentive to the real world, the idea is to increase immediate knowledge of the world around us. 

Beyond that, direct and very relevant information is inserted, this allows greater interaction and increases the possibilities of completing tasks.  

Thus, the user enters the virtual world to interact with objects limited to their imagination.  

Furthermore, in this interaction the resource can help in medical treatments. 

Some companies are working on the possibility of starting to include the metaverse in their projects. 

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How augmented reality can contribute to medicine 

Many companies in the medical area affirm that augmented and virtual reality technologies are already latent needs today.  

What's more, among the objects that doctors use with augmented reality are: 

Smartphones, cameras, smart glasses and even helmets with complete interfaces.  

Beyond that, by adding these tools with robotic surgeries, it is possible to perform procedures with more precision. 

Mainly, doctors warn that, like robotic surgery, it is still necessary to invest more in technological resources. 

Augmented Reality Solutions in Health 

Mainly, there are already very interesting AR solutions on the market, for example, the EyeDecide application allows you to view the eyeball from any angle.  

What's more, simply touching the image generated on the tablet directly and rotating it with your finger. 

You can also collapse, expand, move or annotate the eye in almost any direction.  

All of this helps simulate various disorders and aids in diagnostic accuracy. 

Beyond that, the Anatomy 4D application allows you to explore more than two thousand anatomical structures, undoubtedly helping medical students. 

Even with all the advantages, Augmented Reality in healthcare is still relatively new. 

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However, as it demonstrates its value to the quality of patient care. 

Mainly, AR technologies will soon enter the medical sector with great force. 

We hope you liked the information, learning is always very positive. 

Know all the advantages of How augmented reality can contribute to medicine can further expand our knowledge. 

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