How to obtain the Universal Child Allowance


The Universal Child Allowance (AUH) is a social program that seeks to guarantee the right to social protection of boys and girls in Argentina.

This program provides a monthly financial benefit to the most vulnerable families in the country to help them cover the basic needs of their children.


Who can access the Universal Child Allowance?

To access the AUH, it is necessary to meet certain requirements:

  • Have children under 18 years of age.
  • Be Argentine or foreigner with legal residence in the country.
  • Not having a registered job in a dependency relationship.
  • Not receive any other family allowance.

Additionally, the family's income must not exceed a certain limit set by the government, which varies depending on the number of children the family has.


How to request the Universal Child Allowance?

To request the AUH, you need to complete an online application form through the website of ANSES, the National Social Security Administration.

You can also request it in person at any office. ANSES.

To complete the form, personal and child information must be provided, such as names, dates of birth, and document numbers.

Information about the family's employment and economic situation must also be provided.

Once the application is submitted, ANSES will carry out an evaluation to determine if the family meets the requirements to access the AUH.

If the application is approved, the financial benefit will be deposited into a bank account in the name of the children's mother, father or legal guardian.

How is the Universal Child Allowance collected?

The economic benefit of AUH It is charged monthly and can be withdrawn at any ATM or authorized bank branch.

You can also use a debit card to make purchases at stores participating in the program.

It is important to remember that to continue receiving the AUH, it is necessary to keep personal and children's information updated in ANSES and meet certain requirements, such as schooling and attendance at health checks.

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In summary, the Universal Child Allowance is a social program that seeks to guarantee the right to social protection of boys and girls in Argentina.

To access this benefit, it is necessary to meet certain requirements and complete an application form online or in person at ANSES.

The benefit is charged monthly and it is important to keep personal and children's information updated to continue receiving the benefit. AUH.