Ifood offers courses to train professionals in the technology area  


Learn all about how Ifood offers courses to train professionals in the technology area. 

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Maybe you are at home right now and have doubts about what you are going to do or study, this article is for you. 

With the aim of training, with a free course, professionals who can make up for the shortage of personnel in technology teaching. 


The company iFood and edtech Resilia will train 50 technology teachers (or facilitators, as the companies call the function). 

What's more, to take the course you need experience in the industry, with knowledge. 

It is also necessary to have experience in topics such as data analysis, HTML, CSS, Python, Node JS or React.  

Beyond that, the course has 60 hours of classes and eight online meetings in which enrollees can choose between training in hard skills. 

Aimed at teaching the technology itself, another of soft skills, focused on socio-emotional and behavioral skills. 

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Ifood offers courses to train professionals in the technology area, learn more details 

The first phase of the iFood course will be available to all who register.  

At this stage, students will have access to videos on adult learning and entitle them to a certificate of completion.  

The content will be available on the platform between May 2 and 20, registration is still possible.  

In addition, they will also have two meetings (with limited places) with instructors to ask questions and exchange experiences. 

What's more, outstanding students will be able to participate in a second stage, which takes place between May 23 and June 10.  

The course is 100% and offers the possibility of a contract at the end  

This time, the meetings will prepare them to lead the classes, also with a certificate at the end of each phase.  

New professionals will have the possibility of being hired by Resilia, both to train young people looking for their first job and in career transition. 

Mainly, for those who are interested, the course is 100% free, generating great opportunities. 

What's more, requests can be made through the website of the Facilitation School.  

After completing the form, an email will be sent to each student with more information. 

The project is complete and fantastic, providing opportunities for several professionals. 

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Recruitment is also for those who want to be part of the team of educators. 

Teachers who wish to participate can register to teach classes in the different categories. 

Beyond that, the project aims to increase training possibilities in the area and train young people for the future. 

Ifood offers courses to train professionals in the area of technology, That is more than a course, it is an opportunity for significant change. 

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