What is Digital Marketing? 


I'm sure you don't know everything about Marketing and that's why we're going to answer that frequently asked question. What is Digital Marketing? 

Digital Marketing is a widely used word today, which is why it is so important to understand how it works. 


“In summary, Digital Marketing is (Digital MKT) is the set of activities that a company (or person) carries out online with the aim of attracting new business.” 

Create relationships, develop your brand identity and promote your product or service, foreign languages such as SEO, Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing are frequently used. 


The concept of digital marketing seems simple, but it reaches many areas and projections. 

What's more, many people are sure that they know the strategies well, surely there is always something more to learn. 

Thinking about that, we decided to create some important points of Digital Marketing to clarify your ideas! 

More than what is Digital Marketing and how does it work? 

We talk so much that we still haven't begun to explain to you, in the end, What is Digital Marketing? 

Let's talk about the main strategies and how to use them, there are large companies that are a reference in Digital Marketing. 

They work year-round with such mastery of the subject that they can give you a content production classroom. 

Beyond that, Digital Marketing began in 1990 and nothing has stopped the growth of this strategy since then. 

Mainly, at this time many companies could not withstand the changes and ceased to exist, others adapted to the changes and started their new model. 

Let it be said, Digital Marketing involves the use of the internet, devices, search engines, social networks and email. 

Content marketing and other channels are also used to reach customers or consumers. 

“Digital marketing is the process of attracting customers and identifying, anticipating and satisfying their needs and wants.” 

Best-known Digital Marketing strategies 

The Digital Marketing strategy begins by knowing the Buyer Persona which means buyer personality. 

Everything starts to be built, based on the profile of your target client, the one who brings together a set of characteristics that we want to replicate in other clients. 

 In addition, there are several terms used within digital Marketing, we are going to present some of the most used. 


Content Management System or Content Management System, the meaning is literal.  

It's where you create, edit and publish your content online, usually through a website or blog. 

Beyond that, it can be WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, among many others. 

Application to make video and photo with music 



Leads are business opportunities, in the Marketing area there are several opportunities to attract customers. 

They are the contacts who, through an Inbound Marketing strategy, leave their key information so you can identify your potential buyers. 

Additionally, with this information you can feed your customers with relevant information until they are ready to buy. 


It is the contact and client management software, forget about Excel and, obviously, pencil and paper. 

Despite being very good colleagues, the strategy here must be more visionary and broad. 

There are hundreds of online software that allow you to proactively organize your customer database. 

What's more, some with easy integration with your website, social networks, email platform, Google Ads and other applications. 

It allows you to save time, organize, direct and capitalize on your business; listing all its features would be an endless effort. 

Landing Page or Landing Page 

It is the page where you get your potential clients, it can be a page related to a product, service or content.  

Beyond that, the main function is conversion, that is, the achievement of the main objective, which is to fill out a form. 

Attract the customer to buy a product or acquire a specific or service and make a phone call. 


Search Engine Optimization or search engine optimization are concerted actions that improve the positioning of pages. 

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Also, content in the search results of Google and other search engines. 

It's an art and a science, as we say around here! 

Beyond that, searches on Google and other search engines continue to increase. 

Mainly, for several content creators, it is used by 96.7% of users in the Digital Marketing area. 

Therefore, appearing at the top of the results every time someone searches for a product or service you sell is a great advantage! 

Very good! These are some tools used in the area of Digital Marketing. 

We hope that you have clarified your doubts a little about What is Digital Marketing? 

Now that you know, follow our page to learn more about the topic and see other curiosities.